Saturday, February 4, 2012

Adakah itu...?

Aku janji dengan diri aku. Terutama hati aku. Aku tak mau sakit ataupun even calarkan sikit ngan hati aku lagi. "hati...Aku akan jaga kau baik-baik. :)". Every night aku cakap macam tu. Macam org gila pun ada ni. haha..

Dalam beberapa hari ni aku tak tahu. Aku dapat rasakan jantung aku berdegup laju. If dengar suara dia lagi la tak menentu. Kadang-kadang suara aku pun susah nak keluar. Tapi aku beranikan diri. Beranikan diri yang aku anggap semua ni tiada apa-apa. Kawan tolong kawan. Hati?"aku takkan bagi sakit kau lagi. itu janji aku". Setiap kali lepas called mesti aku cakap macam tu. Pelik pun ada kan.

Malam sebelum-sebelum ni aku rasa aku boleh control. Tapi semalam? Aku tak tahu. Aku tak dapat tidur dengan tenang. Balik-balik fikir pasal dia. Aku tak tahu kalau apa yang aku buat tu berbaloi. "macam I kena karma ni", dia bagitahu aku. Aku dengan selamba, tu la.hargai orang sekeliling kau. :)

Selagi boleh...aku try untuk tidak terpikat, tersuka, tersayang, sama orang lain dah. Aku ter-care maybe tu perkara biasa. Aku akan cuba control hati aku. Aku cuma mau kau happy. Aku cuma mau kau tidur dengan tenang lepas ni. If tak dapat, yeah.aku ada. Seperti semalam. dan sebelum-sebelum ni. Aku temankan kau tidur. Walaupun kita tiada apa-apa. Aku anggap semua ni aku tolong kawan. Tak mau tengok kawan sedih. Tak mau kawan aku menangis lagi. Be strong. We love you. :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

People talking about?

Long Distance Relationship, 5983 miles apart.

I saw this last week. Yea..Yes, They are so sweet. :) Happy for them.
This video tell us everything. (I can see it)
So, I also subscribed them on youtube.
Maddyforshort's channel & sarinjas's channel.

This video made by Maddy or Mahathir. XD
He from Singapore & his girlfriend from Sweden.
& They Met after 2 years. :)

& I check her channel too. She kinda shy in this vid. :)

me too having a long distance we're been together for about half year and a week :)
seriously,you and your bf could come visit malaysia!<3 :)

@shimuralaurafreakz lol i don't think so!! all our haters lives in malaysia.. lol

@sarinjas your haters? since when I hate you? Im Malaysian. & I support you & ur bf. You guys looks nice together. :) dnt think ngative about Malaysia sarinjas.
@AhieSaid SOKONG !
truly,im not that 100% portugese+malaysian..
i guess the haters are sorry about that :-/
@shimuralaurafreakz yeah i know that :) didn't mean you though, sorry if u got offended! <3
@shimuralaurafreakz Im muslim & Im Malaysia. I never hate people. Because we live in democracy. So, yea. just saying. Dont be racist or anything. Keep peace guys. Dnt judge/say somethg like that if you dnt have any evidence about that :)
@TheBlazeres thanks blanzers for support it. I just not satisfied with what she replied it. Like we are the bad person? hating people? what?? what I see now, people in Malaysia posted the long distance's video on FB, Twitter & make their video's Favorite on their Channel too. Is it still can called haters? Maybe she dnt see it. But Keep peace. Hope you guys stay together until the end.
@AhieSaid thank you for your support! just found a website "dedicated" to me and my boyfriend to scam us. and all this hate that they hope we'll burn in hell, and that we're disgusting in gods eyes.
didn't mean all malaysian people, but i get shocked every time i see a message from someone in malaysia, supporting us. i'm sorry if you got offended :/<3
@sarinjas anyway..Can I gt the link? I will protest if its true. Thats sound like horrible. Wish that person will open their eyes.& yea...hope it will never happened again. If its true. :)
@shimuralaurafreakz Im muslim & Im Malaysia. I never hate people. Because we live in democracy. So, yea. just saying. Dont be racist or anything. Keep peace guys. Dnt judge/say somethg like that if you dnt have any evidence about that :)
@AhieSaid But I more to liberal side :) hehe
  • On behalf of Malaysia people,we're sorry and I am embarassed of my country
  • @AeonCLocK lol, don't apologize for something you haven't done! i'm sorry again that you got offended lovely! :(
    @AeonCLocK Its okay guys. :) i understand. Maybe she talked about other person. But she must not say that directly in here. Because yeah, like you know, all the people around the world might see that in here. @sarinjas, you a good person. I can see it from your video. & I love make friends around the world. :D hope you guys happy. & yea...enjoy your life too XD
    @sarinjas its just im so embarassed that SOME of the people in my country can be so short minded :/ Again,I apologize for that and wish u both a lifetime of happiness :)

    * & we keep replaying each others comment :D

(If you gt confuse, you can check this link: )